St Mark’s Square

Did you know that the squares in Venice are not called “Piazze” (squares) but “Campi” (fields)? Walking through the city you will find many of these and Campo San Polo, Campo Santo Stefano and Campo Santa Margherita are among the most popular; the only exception is St Mark’s Square, the drawing room of the world, as Napoleon once defined it. Here history, art and tradition come together in an embrace that welcomes visitors from the Procuratie and right up to the Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace), passing by the Torre dell’Orologio (Clock Tower) and St Mark’s Basilica.

It is possible to visit St Mark’s Basilica for free, to admire the splendours of its interiors with a wonderful exultation of mosaic decorations. Adjacent to the Basilica is the Bell Tower of St Mark’s (full ticket €8), perhaps the city’s best known symbol, which offers to those who venture up to its summit a spectacular view of the city in its entirety and the lagoon.

Back down to the ground, lovers of art and culture can visit other attractions in the area of St Mark’s Square, known as the Marciana Area, with the combined “Museums of St Marks Square” ticket (full ticket €16) that allows access to: the Correr Museum; the National Archaeological Museum; the Monumental Rooms of Marciana Library, frescoed by Titian, Tintoretto and Veronese and of course the Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace): ideally, overlooking St Mark’s basin, was the spectacular and impressive residence of the Doge; inside it is possible to visit the sumptuous private rooms, the armoury and finally, the prisons that can be reached by crossing the world-famous Bridge of Sighs. If you have the opportunity to visit only one museum in Venice, then the one we absolutely recommend is the Palazzo Ducale; its interior contains a unique and representative mix of art, architecture, culture and the history of Venice.